Just kill me now. Please. I can't compare to her obviously. I wish you had thought I was good enough back then, maybe we could have been together this whole time. But the truth is I tested you to see if I was important enough that you would do anything to hold on to me. I wasn't though. Just go back to her if you want it. I won't give it up and it is time for you to understand. I am not comfortable being like this. It isn't me. I am not blaming you for it, please don't think so, I just can't handle my feelings anymore. If I cheated, lied, and hurt you maybe I could but the truth of the matter is, I love you more than I love anyone else. And if that means letting you go well I guess goodbye. I can't measure up to her, somehow I don't think I ever could. So please just say yourself some trouble and give up trying to change me. I was happy the way you found me. And I'm unhappy in how you will leave me.

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