By now everyone who reads this post will know who I am talking about. Ke$ha the artist is a trainwreck. I feel like that after today. Nothing went right. And I am not even overreacting. I hate my life so much. I feel like being reckless and partying. But everytime I think of a party I think of the last one I heard about and how it ended with me in tears on my birthday. I hate people who think so little of me. Its crap to lie to someones face. I had an amazing best friend last year who knew every secret my heart held. But this year she forfeited any right to even look at me. I hate her and how she chose someone else over me. I hate how she knew before I did that I would be left brokenhearted. I hate that she called to boast. I hate that she decided to text my sister crude things. I hate how she made me want to end my life on a day that was meant to celebrate my life. I hate her. Every time I get a glance of her,  my arms go rigid and I feel the depression seep into my pores. I get all hot and prickly and I lose what makes me strong. I lose everything when I see that after she hurt me she got to laugh when I didn't laugh for over a month because the pain was unbearable. Yeah, she did this to me. After he did that to me.  I hated them both. But then I realized that I needed him to survive. He is my lifeline and my best friend. She was only a girl who lied,

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